03. Confirm the setup of your Funding Sources

  1.  Annual Budget/Academic Year – is this set with the correct amount for your current year?
  2. Associated application – Is the correct application associated to the fund,
    a) If using one application for multiple funds did you remember to create the mock fund and associate that fund to the application
    i. Did you remember to not associate any applications to the associated funds?
    b) If using the Common Application Method did you create the mock fund and associate the Common application to that.
    i. Did you remember to associate each individual fund to its individual application?
  3. Sponsoring Organizations – are all the correct sponsoring organizations that need to view this fund selected?
  4. Allow Non-(org) Applicants/Allow (org) applicants – are these selected correctly on the “yes” and “no” options?
  5. Email signature – if you want to override the site settings default signature, did you enter a signature line here to be included in your email templates when selecting the Signature merge field?
  6. Brief Description and Description – Did you include the correct information that you want the applicants to view.  Check for grammatical errors and typos.
  7. Search filters – (if using) did you include all the correct eligible search filters for the fund, so that the applicant can locate it correctly and apply to it.